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What’s All The Fuss About Fiber?


I have clients ask me often about fiber. How much do we need? Why do we need it? What’s so good about it? So I thought I would break it down for you, because it is so important.


You know if you’re doing LEAN, that we want the majority of our diet to be plant based along with other whole foods. These plants are the main source of our fiber. Fiber is INSTRUMENTAL to good gut health. It feeds the good bacteria which helps decrease inflammation in our gut. It helps move our food through our digestive system and keeps the colon clean. 

There are two forms of fiber, each with its own benefits:

Soluble fiber is fiber that dissolves in water. This type of fiber helps control blood sugar and slows down digestion, keeping us feeling full longer. Soluble fiber can be found in

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Carrots
  • Flax seed

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, does not help slow digestion, but it’s the fiber that helps move food through our digestive system. Insoluble fiber can be found in

  • Darky leafy veggies
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

Both forms of fiber are valuable to good health, so we want a balance of both!


It is IMPORTANT to weight loss. Adding fiber into our diet helps fill us up and keep us full, so we eat less. It helps prevent heart disease and diabetes, supports our immune system, and helps to control our blood sugar.


Our ancestors were gathering a variety of plants and typically consuming more than 100g a day. Modern man is consuming a measly 10g a day! That is just not enough to promote good gut health! I want all my clients to be aiming for AT LEAST 30g of fiber every day! I personally aim for 50g a day!


There are a LOT of whole foods that can give us all the fiber we need! However, if you’re typically consuming a low amount of fiber right now, start adding in a little at a time. If you go from 10g to 30g of fiber at one time, this may cause bloating, gassiness, cramping, constipation or even diarrhea. So add in a little more every couple of days to give your body time to adjust along the way.  

I really try to up my fiber game and aim for 50g a day!  In order to reach this goal I have to use a supplement!  For the past year I have been using this fiber boost!  12 grams of added fiber!  It mixes in anything including water! Click here for more info!  I use mine daily in my protein shake!   Combined I get 30 grams of protein and 20 grams of fiber!  Click here for my go to plant based protein shake!  

Here’s a list of a VARIETY of colorful wholesome foods that you can add to your diet to make sure you’re increasing your fiber. Let’s get our guts healthy and keep them healthy while enjoying a wide array of whole food nutrition! Make adding more fiber to your diet a new goal!



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