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Lose Weight By The Holidays With This Dietitian’s Plan

Crash diets don’t work. If you start a crash diet this week, you’ll gain the weight back, plus some, according to the stats.

Crash diets use sketchy methods to make the number on your scale go down, but the pounds you’re losing aren’t the ones you want to ditch.

Sure, you’ll drop pounds from water weight, lean muscle, and the food you’re digesting, but your body fat will mostly stick with you. In fact, after a crash diet, your body will hold onto fat more

This is because crash dieting wrecks our metabolism and clicks our bodies into “starvation mode.” It’ll hold onto and store all the calories you give it, like a hoarder prepping for the apocalypse!

But let’s be honest, sometimes we really want to slim down in time for that social event or family vacation, and we don’t have months to get it done.

These 13 steps will get on the fast track. Take these steps to lose body fat and keep it off! 

  1. Get Honest with Your Macros
    Calories and carbs slip into our diets easier than your kids slip into the cookie jar. Even when we feel like we’re sticking to the rules, portions grow over time. That’s why, every so often, I track my macros and see where I’ve strayed. If you’re new to setting macros, this guide will teach you how, step by step. 
  2. Set The Right Calories and Macros for Your Body and Goals
    Quality and quantity matter when it comes to weight loss. Research continues to show that what you eat, in addition to how much, is important for both fat loss and physical health. Tracking your macros allows you to prioritize nutrient-dense foods and eat the right amount of them. Keep your protein, carbs, and fat in balance to fuel your body from the right sources. Grab my free Calorie and Macro Guide to learn how to keep track of your macros easily. 
  3. Eat Enough Protein
    Your body weight is directly affected by the adequacy and quality of the protein in your daily diet. Protein is an amazing teammate when you’re working to lose or maintain a healthy weight. It keeps you satiated, protects lean muscle mass, repairs damaged cells, lowers hunger hormones, and allows your body to metabolize fat! Grab my high-protein sample menus here. 
  4. Stay in a Slight Caloric Deficit
    It’s much more intricate than “calories in, calories out.” But to tap into your fat stores instead of the food you’re eating, you have to eat less than you burn. Eating too few calories can be just as detrimental to your weight loss and health goals as overeating! Grab my Macro and Calorie Guide linked above to know how many calories you should be eating (I bet it’s more than you think!). 
  5. Eat Primarily Whole Foods
    Our bodies were made for whole foods. When we swap them out for packaged products full of synthetic substances, our bodies bear the marks. Weight gain, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, and chronic disease are all linked to avoiding whole foods. Fill your plate with meat, beans, whole grains, vegetables, and fruit—perfect fuel for the holiday feasts ahead! 
  6. Find Your Core Four
    Weekly meal planning and prepping used to take forever. Now that I’ve found my Core Four, I can meal plan in minutes. Here’s how it works: List at least four (but up to eight) meal ideas and their recipes. Pick the ones that are easy to make, high in protein, fit your calorie limit, and are family favorites. These are the recipes you can return to over and over, making healthy meals easier—so you can focus more on holiday cheer! Here’s one of my go-to Core Four recipes you should try! Get my full guide here. 
  7. Start Intermittent Fasting
    Intermittent fasting can help you manage your hunger and keep your caloric intake in check. By eating within a specific window, you may find it easier to resist those tempting holiday treats. Whether it’s waiting until noon to eat or cutting off your meals by 7 PM, choose a plan that fits your lifestyle. 
  8. Stop Snacking
    We often graze mindlessly, especially during the holiday season. Try setting boundaries for your meals and snacks. Instead of munching while cooking, enjoy the flavors of your meals fully, savoring every bite, just like you’d appreciate that holiday feast. 
  9. Limit Alcohol to 1-2 Servings a Week
    With holiday parties around every corner, it’s tempting to indulge in festive drinks. While you can enjoy a glass of wine or a holiday cocktail, keeping it to just a couple of servings a week can help you stay on track with your goals. Plus, think of all the extra calories you can save for that delicious pumpkin pie! 
  10. Strength Train at Least 3 Times Per Week
    Many women are still scared to lift heavy. They’re worried that if they pick up the big weights, they’ll bulk. Here’s the truth: bulking and building lean muscle mass is really hard. You’re not going to accidentally bulk up. On the upside, strength training will help you maintain and strengthen your lean muscle mass, which will increase your metabolism and weight loss, allowing you to enjoy a few holiday cookies guilt-free! 
  11. Hit a Daily Step Count of At Least 10,000
    Staying active during the busy holiday season is key. Whether you’re shopping for gifts or taking a stroll to admire the holiday lights, aim for those steps! Walking boosts mental health and can add years to your life, but it will also keep weight off. Find out how much you need to walk to lose pounds. 
  12. Set and Stick to a Sleep Schedule
    The hustle and bustle of the holidays can make sleep a low priority. But maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help regulate your metabolism and support weight loss. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep, so you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle holiday preparations. 
  13. Leverage Carb Cycling
    Carb cycling is a technique that increases your metabolism and provides variety and flexibility with your food choices. By alternating between high-carb and low-carb days, you can fuel your workouts and still enjoy those holiday treats without guilt. 
  14. Ditch the All-or-Nothing Mindset
    During the holidays, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you have to be perfect or you’ll ruin your progress. Instead, embrace balance. Enjoy your favorite holiday foods in moderation, and remember that one treat doesn’t define your journey!

Join LEAN. Drop Weight By Thanksgiving.

I have so much to teach you over the next seven weeks! In my program LEAN, you’ll learn exactly how to leverage the 13 strategies listed above and be held accountable for seeing results by your LEAN coach. 

I’ll teach you how to set your personal calories and macros so that your body will lose weight and keep it off. We’ll talk about whole food nutrition, meal-prep hacks, and carb-cycling instruction.

My team and I will hand you your meal plan and workout plan. You’ll receive all the knowledge you need to lose the weight and the accountability we all need to get rid of the weight for good.

Want to lose weight by the holidays? LEAN is the obvious choice. Join today, and let’s make this holiday season the best one yet!

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