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5 Signs Your Body Needs A Detox

Which of these sound like you?

It’s 10:00 am, and you just sipped the last of your third cup of coffee. You’re drinking more caffeine than ever, but somehow you’re still exhausted. 


Everyone and everything depends on you. Your kids, spouse, home, and schedule hardly leave time for you to take care of yourself. Forget nutrition! You’re lucky if you eat anything before 3:00 pm. 


You thought you were doing all the steps right. But the scale has been mocking your efforts. This morning, you saw a number you haven’t seen in a while. You’re gaining weight again and you don’t understand why! Plus, your body is aching painfully. Workouts aren’t comfortable. You feel weaker despite hitting the gym. 

No one likes to feel crappy, but don’t despair. These frustrating feelings could be important clues that can help you lose weight. Perhaps, your body is telling you it’s time for a reset! Decode your symptoms with my guide below. 

How Do I Know If I Need a Reset?

Even when our mouths are shut, our bodies are talking to us. Your body tells you when it needs water. It tells you when it needs food. It tells you when it’s tired and needs you to hit the hay. 

Your body also sends you signals when it needs a health reset.

Ultra processed foods could be the problem. They have very little to no nutritional value in them. These foods are packed with chemicals that may be linked with cancer and cardiovascular disease. 

Even after just two weeks, a diet high in ultra-processed foods increases body weight, blood fat levels, blood sugar levels, and the risk of heart disease. But before these diseases hit, your body sends you signals, warning you that something isn’t right. 

I’ll teach you how to spot a true burnout. Look out for these 5 tell-tale signs that your body needs a reset.

1. You’re Constantly Exhausted

You are what you eat—at least, that’s what your grandma said. She was onto something. The foods that make us feel the most lively are the ones that were living and thriving before we ate them. Grass fed meat, wild caught fish, organic produce, fermented food with live cultures: all these foods make us feel more alive. 

On the flip side, junk food that’s packed with ingredients made in a lab makes us feel like we woke up on the petri dish. When these foods creep into our daily diets, we start to feel tired. Sugary food, fried food, and processed oils lead to inflammation in your brain and can result in both fatigue and depression

If you’ve answered the question “How are you doing?” with “Tired,” hit the pause button. Give your lifestyle a closer look. Are you chronically tired? Is coffee keeping you alive? Your body might need a reset. 

2. The Scale Isn’t Going Down

Have you heard a story like this one? 

Cathy was a big runner. She even ran a few marathons. Though she was physically strong and extremely active, her body held onto about 10 pounds of excess fat. No amount of miles could get rid of it. 

To keep her body limber on the trail, Cathy started doing yoga. She began with a few sessions a week. Then, she loved the way it made her feel. Her mind and body were more relaxed than ever. Soon, she was practicing sun salutations every morning. 

Cathy noticed something else. Her excess belly fat was shrinking. Over the following months, the extra weight disappeared altogether. 

Chronic stress is kryptonite for weight loss. Chronic stress hijacks our hormones and creates chronic inflammation. 

For Cathy, yoga was the missing piece that lowered her stress, balanced her hormones, decreased her inflammation, and therefore, allowed her to lose body fat. For others, healing foods, better sleep habits, or self-care could be the key. 

If you’re doing everything right, but the belly fat won’t budge, a reset can lower stress and help your body finally release its grip on that stubborn excess weight. 

3. Your Whole Body Hurts

Inflammation is a tool your body uses and needs to fight off infections, injuries, and toxins. It helps you heal. 

Chronic inflammation, however, occurs when this response lingers, leaving your body in a constant state of alert. It’s like living in a house with the fire alarms on 24/7. Over time, chronic inflammation can damage your tissues and organs. It can even lead to a whole range of conditions, from cancer to stroke. 

Symptoms of chronic inflammation can be subtle, like body pain. You might feel physically uncomfortable, have stiff joints, tendonitis, muscle pain, or abdominal pain. Don’t ignore these symptoms, or blame them on “getting old.” A reset may be what you need to feel like yourself again. 

4. Your Cravings are Controlling You

Insatiable cravings aren’t normal. They’re signals that something in your body is off. A diet full of processed foods can put you on a hormonal rollercoaster that only further exacerbates your cravings for sugar. Processed foods can also wreck your blood sugar balance, leading to intense cravings for sweets and refined carbs. 

Cravings can also be your body’s cry for certain nutrients. When we fill our bellies with the macro and micronutrients it needs, cravings turn from a scream to a soft whisper. They’re much easier to manage when we meet our bodies needs first. 

Don’t blame your self-control when you binge. Intense cravings can be your body’s way of telling you that you need a reset.

5. Your Digestion is Down

Take a peek at your poop. It has a lot to say about how you’re doing internally. Gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation are obvious signs that things aren’t working the way they should be. 

Junk food is linked with an increase of harmful bacteria in the gut. These harmful microorganisms can cause big health issues, like inflammation and metabolic problems. Gut inflammation is no joke. It’s painful, even debilitating. If you have tummy troubles, give your gut the gift of a reset!

Get Your Head in the Game

Motivation and hope are the fuels that keep us moving forward. Without motivation and hope, we lose focus, then give up. 

My 10-Day Reset will prove to you that you can turn your health and weight around. Amp up your motivation and get your head back in the game. The effort is worth it!

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