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Reset Your Weight Loss Goals for 2024

It’s right around the corner. The next flip of the calendar will read 2024. A new year, a clean slate, a fresh start. 

Sound exciting? For some of us, we feel more hesitant than hopeful about January 1. Our relationship with new years resolutions has taught us one thing: they don’t stick. 

You’re not alone. In fact, by March, only 10% of people think their resolutions will last. 

That’s why, today, I’m sharing the tips you need to bust through the roadblocks in your health journey. This year, simply follow these six steps to reach health victory.

  1. Partner Up with Progress, Not Perfection
    The first trick to setting goals that stick is to get real with yourself. No more bull-shit. Sit yourself down and have a good, honest chat.You, and I, aren’t machines. We’re regular people that make mistakes now and then.

    Before putting pen to paper and sketching out your vision for the new year, think about who you’re working with: yourself. Perfection is out of the question for both of us. There’s just no point in making plans that require you to perform perfectly.

    But progress is possible! Which leads to the second step…

  2. Resolve to Follow the 80/20 Rule
    No one follows a diet perfectly. The 80/20 mindset makes sure that after an inevitable unhealthy meal, you get back on the health horse again.This mindset has helped people achieve more and stay strong while working toward long-term goals.

    It’s a simple approach that advises you to ace your goals 80% of the time. The other 20? That’s a free-for-all. This mindset unbinds people who’ve tightly committed themselves to a lifestyle, schedule, or task list that’s too strict to sustain for very long.

    Adopting the 80/20 mindset can feel jarring—especially for those of us who’ve used elimination diets. You might be wondering: This mindset feels too loosey goosey to actually get anything done.

    When it comes to health and fitness goals, however, the 80/20 rule is a savior. It helps us recover from slip ups, stay motivated, and stick with a healthy lifestyle for the rest of our lives.

  3. Think Beyond Your Body
    Our appearance matters. Longing to feel confident and love being in your own skin is a good desire. You shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to love the way you look.But appearance-driven goals are hard to keep. When we start in a place of self-consciousness and negativity, we can let that color our attitudes about our goals as well. Dreaming about the positive ways weight loss and better health will change our lives, on the other hand, is a powerful motivator.

    Take a bird’s eye view for a moment. Think about the changes you want to make in your life. Are you dreaming of joining a volleyball league like the one you used to love in college? Is there an event coming up where you want to feel and look your best? Do you want the flexibility to get on the floor and play with the grandkids?

    Write these visions down first before you start making plans for weight loss.

  4. Beat Roadblocks
    Why is consistency so hard for us? A busy schedule, unrealistic goals, and burnout might be common reasons for giving up on our health goals. But each person will face their own specific struggles.Stay one step ahead of your health journey obstacles by predicting what will challenge your consistency the most. Create a list of obstacles that might get in your way, like this:

    • My kids are picky eaters. Healthy food doesn’t please the family pallet.
    • When I don’t see the scale going down each week (or even every day) I get discouraged and tend to give up soon after. 
    • I’m embarrassed to exercise at my gym or in public, so I skip it a lot.
    • My schedule is already full—things like packing healthy lunches and working out get pushed to the backburner. 

      Knowing what will challenge your consistency most will allow you to plan, prep, and beat the challenges when they come.

  5. Ditch the Deprivation Diet
    For too long, we’ve been told that if you eat less you’ll lose more. But depriving your body of food sucks. And it doesn’t even work.Undereating slows your metabolism, causes hormone issues, and starves your body of critical nutrients. Eating enough, on the flip side, helps you build muscle, workout with vigor, and keep you committed to your health goals for the long term.

    This year, skip the skimpy diets.

    Instead, make sure you’re eating enough to satisfy yourself—pick foods that are healthy and healing for your body. Focus on filling foods that are full of fiber and protein.

    Enjoy whole foods and a balanced diet of healthy carbs, protein, and fats.

  6. Set Up Strategic Rewards
    Treat yourself with rewards that will move you toward your health goals, not away from them.For example, if you’re trying to lose excess weight for good, don’t reward a day of healthy eating with a jumbo milkshake. Instead, set up rewards like these that’ll keep you motivated and moving forward:

    • If I meal prep for four weeks, I get to order a meal prep service for one week.
    • If I go to the gym twice a week for a month, I get to buy a new pair of workout pants.
    • If I tell myself one positive thing about my body each morning for a month, I get to schedule a massage.
    • At my halfway mark in my health goals, I’ll take a day off work.Pick rewards that work for you instead of against you. Brainstorm your favorite self-care ideas, like getting a new haircut, going out with friends for mani-pedis, hiking with your pup on a new trail, taking that hot yoga class with a friend, trying out a float tank, or having a spa day.

      Whatever gets you motivated will do the trick. Pick rewards that’ll set you up for success next week.

Your 2024 Health Journey is Should Scream You

If you have to pick between a lifestyle you love and a health regimen you dread, you can guess what wins. To reach your health goals this year, set goals that fit who you are and the lifestyle you love.

Finding healthy food and activities you love is key to creating a healthy lifestyle you can stick to. 

I’ll teach you exactly how to do this in LEAN. Plus, we’ll surround you with a supportive social life of friends on their own health journey. 

Make 2024 different. Link arms with us at LEAN and see why more than 70,000 people have chosen my LEAN program as the path to better health. 

Want help losing weight and getting healthy?

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